-日本語版- (English Version is below ↓↓↓)

「キベラA−GOALリーグ」開催にあたっては、クラウドファンディングで160人の方にご支援をいただきました。また、ネーミングライツについてはクラウドファンディングのリターンとして獲得いただいた方により「TAKESHI SEO & JAPAN presents キベラA−GOAL」と名付けられ、2023年3月に正式なリーグとして開幕しました。https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/650660


リーグは3月~5月の1st Legと9月~12月の2nd Legで開催されます。男子リーグはU9・U11・ U13・ U15の年齢別の4カテゴリーで行われ、基本的には土曜日にU9・U11が試合を行い、日曜日にU13・U15の試合が行われます。2024年からは女子リーグもスタートし、基本的にU15を対象として、隔週で試合が行われています。






キベラA-GOALリーグは、これまでトライアルも含め3回リーグを行い、約2800人の子どもたちが参加してきました。そして、現在行われている2024シーズン1st Legでは、男子70チーム、女子11チームが参加し、合計約1200人の子どもたちが熱い試合を繰り広げています。

また、リーグを開催していく中で参加した子供たちにも変化が生まれ始めています。2023年の1st Legで活躍した、アストン・ローマ所属のブラントン・シオソ君は、13歳以下のケニアナショナルチームのメンバーに選ばれました。年代別代表という肩書きを得たブラントン君は、ナイロビのサッカーアカデミーの名門「エクスプレス・フットボール・アカデミー」に特待生として入ることができました。彼は今、目の色を変えて練習しています。そんな彼の姿に触発されて、彼のチームメイトも次は自分が選ばれるんだと、頑張るようになったとのことです。


キベラA-GOALリーグの継続開催のため、A-GOALはリーグサポート組織「MAJI NA JUA(マジナジュア)」を設立しました。”MAJI NA JUA”はスワヒリ語で「水と太陽」という意味です。キベラスラムの「キベラ」という言葉は、ケニアから近いエジプト南部からスーダン北部に至るナイル川沿いに分布する地域で使用されていたヌビア語で「森」という意味があります。そこから、リーグのサポーターである私たちが水と太陽となって、キベラに住む子どもたちを育てていこうという思いが込められています。マンスリーサポーターの方に寄付していただいたお金は、サッカーリーグの運営費や食費に当てさせていただきます。キベラの子どもたちが自身の未来を切り開いていけるよう、私たちと一緒にキベラA-GOALリーグを作っていきましょう。皆様のご参加お待ちしております。
ーEnglish Versionー
◆Kibera Slum and the inauguration of the league

A-GOAL has supported football clubs in many African countries through donating food since May 2020 which COVID-19 has occurred. In these activities, we met Ken and Corrins who operate a local school “Agave Hope for Kibera”.
They had a strong desire to give children in Kibera Slum “Dream” through football. Then, A-GOAL emphasized their desire and decided to organize a 15-week football league twice a year at Kibera Slum with them. In kenya, there were no temporary football leagues for children, so A-GOAL tried to organize a league and continue it.
In terms of organizing a league, A-GOAL did a crowdfunding and 160 people supported us. Also, the official name of the league “TAKESH SEO & JAPAN presents Kibera A-GOAL League” uses the name of Takeshi as a return. Thanks to those supports, A-GOAL started an official league in March 2023. https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/650660
“Kibera”, the place our league is held, is located about 6 km apart from the center of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, and more than 1 million people live in about 2.4㎢. The people living there are forced to live on a day-to-day basis. Because of this social environment, children can’t find jobs even if they want to work and have less opportunities to take education even if they are eager to study, so it is difficult for them to have bright hope for the future. Therefore, many children get hooked on alcohol and drugs.
However, playing football is a great way to release stress from daily life and to spend less time with gangs and delinquents. Football can become an effective way to protect children from alcohol, drugs, and crime. In addition to acquiring football skills, playing football also teaches “life skills” such as cooperation, hard work, and obeying the rules.

Kibera Slum used to be a soccer league for children. However, about 10 years ago, it was discontinued due to the inability to pay ground rental fees. Since then, there have been occasional matches against teams of rich children and weekend tournaments, but there were no long-term leagues which are held through several months. From this history, A-GOAL League is a long-awaited football league for people in Kibera Slum. A-GOAL League has countless possibilities for children’s future.
◆League format – 2 leagues per year, 4 men’s categories + 1 women’s category
The league will be held twice. 1st Leg from March to May and 2nd Leg from September to December. The men’s league consists of four categories: U9, 11, 13, and 15. Basically, U9 and 11 play matches on Saturdays, and U13 and 15 plays on Sundays. The women’s league is mainly for U15 and matches are held every other week.
◆Potential of the League
○ “Fun” unite children to the future
The main purpose of A-GOAL league is to provide weekly soccer games for children and enjoy them. To include football into the children’s daily lives can make children keep them healthy and busy, and also keep them away from drugs and crime.
Kibera Slum is poor and there are little things to look forward to, so children have nothing enough to eat but have too much time for them. To cope with their situation, they drink and do drugs, and they commit crimes and engage in prostitution to earn money. As a result, they are unable to go to school and their future is blocked.
However, if there is a game on the weekend, everyone can gather there. They also practice with their teams after school on weekdays. If they can spend time with football, they only go home, eat and sleep well. Therefore, they can be healthy and there will be no time for bad behavior.
Our league has been for three years, and we are starting to see some changes. One boy became involved in the league and stopped being a marijuana courier. He now looks forward to playing every weekend.
○First step to “Dream”
Many coaches and advisors come to A-GOAL League to scout and recrute. They are from the academies of professional soccer clubs in Nairobi and strong soccer schools. If the talent of children playing in A-GOAL League is recognized by them, children can enter the academy of a professional team or a strong soccer school with a scholarship. They literally take the first step toward becoming professional soccer players and take education. Actually, children of Kibera Slum were unable to play soccer games or even show their talent due to poverty. However, A-GOAL League gives children opportunities and they are now trying to gradually spread their wings for their future through the league.
○ “Meals” that support the household economy
People living in Kibera Slum originally lived on a subsistence basis. In recent years, food prices in Kenya have gotten higher due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and global inflation. Especially, Corn flour, the raw material for the staple food ugali, has doubled in price. Today, more and more families cannot afford to take two meals a day. A regular diet of nutritious food is essential for growing children. But nutritious meals are not normal in Kibera. The meals we provide are not always sufficient for children’s development. But A-GOAL wants to reassure children that at least they have something to eat on the weekends. With this in mind, we have started serving meals after games.
A-GOAL serves rice, ugali, a staple food in Kenya, and vegetables after the game. To supplement protein, mung beans have been added to the menu since the 2ndLeg second leg in 2023. Children are full of energy at mealtime, even after the game. They were politely waiting in line to receive meals. One of the children’s mothers commented, “Having food for the children on the weekends is great for the family budget. A-GOAL League supports not only children included in our league but also helping their families in Kibera.

◆Achievements of League
So far, A-GOAL league has been held three times, including trials, with approximately 2,800 participants. In the current 1st Leg of the 2024 season, 70 men’s teams and 11 women’s teams are participating, with a total of approximately 1,200 children playing matches enthusiastically.

In the league some changes have shown between the children who have participated.
Branton Sioso, who played in the 2023 1st Leg as a member of Aston Roma, was selected as a member of the Kenyan National Team for the under-13. Due to his title of age group representation, he was able to get into the prestigious Express Football Academy in Nairobi as a scholarship student. He is now practicing more enthusiastically. Inspired by his appearance, his teammates have also started to play harder to become the next one like him.

The Kibera A-GOAL league also produced a player for the Kenyan Women’s Premier League. Her name is Gaudencia Auma. She is the ace striker for Ade Foundation, a women’s team in the Kibera A-GOAL League.
She has a talent that can score goals and assist even against male players, so she was immediately scouted and received a scholarship to Madera Girls High School in Kakamega, a town in western Kenya. The soccer team in the high school called “Soccer Assassins” is one of the teams in Kenyan Women’s Premier League. She made her debut as a Kenyan footballer in the Premier League at the same time entering school in July 2023. she is a promising player and has a promising future ahead of her.

◆Support organization “MAJI NA JUA”
○About “MAJI NA JUA “*
MAJI NA JUA, which means “water and sun” in Swahili, is a group of people who support A-GOAL League to continue the League. The word “Kibera” in Kibera Slum means “forest” in Nubian, which was used in the region distributed along the Nile River from southern Egypt to northern Sudan. From this origin, we put our desire that we want to raise children in Kibera as we grow Kibera as a forest by becoming sun and water into MAJI NA JUA. The money donated by Monthly Supporters will be used to pay for the soccer league’s operating expenses and food. Let’s build the Kibera A-GOAL league together so that the children of Kibera can create their own future. We look forward to your participation.
*For more information, please visit https://a-goal.org/kiberaleague-monthly-supporter/